We represent many different manufacturers, including the following:
- Andersons Bed O’ Cobs and Enrichment Products
- Big Heart Pets Formerly Delmonte. Meow Mix, 9 Lives, Canine Carryouts, Kibbles & Bits, Pounce, Snausages, Meow Mix
- LabDiet Rodent & Small Animal Feed
- Mazuri Exotic and Zoo Feed
- Pestell Cat Litter, Pine & Cedar Bedding, Shredded Aspen, Timothy Hay, Alfalfa Hay, Horse Bedding
- PJ Murphy Sani Chips Aspen Bedding
- Purina Mills Farm Feed, Wildlife Products
- Sportmix Biscuits, Dog Food, Cat Food
- Standlee Hay Company Premium Alfalfa & Timothy Hay
- ZuPreem Exotic Bird & Animal Diets