
Enrichment Bedding

Below is some our best selling enrichment bedding products. If you do not find an item, please call us for product availability.

The Andersons

Product # Name
**EB Enrich-n’ nest Paper Blend 1.25 cu ft paper rolls
**EPB Enrich-n’ pure Paper Blend 1.25 cu ft
**4EB Enrich-o’cob 1.25 cu ft Bed-o’cob 1/4″ & Paper Rolls Blend
**PB Pure-o’cell 1.25 cu ft 1/4″ Paper Squares
**4PB Bed-o’cobs/Pure-o’- cel 1.25 ct ft Bed-o’cob 1/4″ & Paper squares Blend
CNK Crink-l Nest Nesting Material 22 lbs KRAFT
CNW Crink-l Nest Nesting Material 22 lbs WHITE

Shepherd Specialties

Product # Name
23501 Enviro Dri (Paper Bedding) 25 lb box
ADT Alpha Dri 20 lbs. (Pure White Bedding)

Hay and Cubes

Product # Name
00817 High Quality Timothy Hay 96 oz
45030 High Quality Timothy Cubes 50 lbs
00809 High Quality Alfalfa Hay 24 oz
BAC50 High Quality Alfalfa Cubes 50 lbs
